Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Happiness and Satisfactions

Hello world,

In my sustainability class, we had a class discussion on how much is enough?  I came across saying that enough is enough based on the needs and wants. I also added another controversy similar to needs and wants and it is happiness and satisfaction. In this part of the discussion there are many ways to views on the limitations of enough.

In terms of needs and wants, needs are things we can’t live or function without. These are the basic requirements that are necessary for life. Everyone needs food, education, clean water and many more.  On the other hand, there are wants that we all desire. As technology advances we as humans react by buying the latest products because of our desire to want things. In some ways I blame technology for the increase of wants. We now hardly ask ourselves if we really need something. It is now, "I want it" rather than, "I need it".
I explained the happiness and satisfactions controversy by elaborating that it is better to satisfied. For example I have phone that was really popular around 2008. I still use that phone to text and call my friends. I am satisfied with a phone but I could be happy with an iPhone 5. The point is, most people strive for happiness and some may not know that the “little things” they have make a big difference. When it comes to happiness there is also the feeling of satisfaction. No one will stop at being satisfied. Happiness will provide both happiness and satisfaction.

Wants and happiness correlate because these are the sections that we, as humans, strive for it because it will make our lives better and more efficient. "It will make our lives better", that's a powerful phrase that we would want to live with. Now, there are the plans of getting the betting things and living up the latest updates on fashion for example. It can refer to anything that can cause our happiness or anything that we want. It is crucial to know that even though it is nice to have things that we want and that can make us happy but we need to consider the more important half.

On the other half, needs and satisfactions are hardly noticed by consumers because our ambitions blind us and causes us to strive for wants and happiness. If we, as humans, can achieve our needs and satisfaction then there seems to be no reason why we should keep the advancement from growing. (According to the equation Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology, these are factors that cause the impact of a society. And according to my last statement, if humans can just reach for satisfactions and needs there will be no need for an increase in technology. Therefore, if technology decreases, then the impact will decrease as well.)These factors should be highly considered and focused on because these things can meet the basic requirements that a human can desire.

After today’s class discussion, I really had the chance to think about what I need and what can be satisfied.


1 comment:

  1. Wealth brings diminishing returns.

    Overall, I agree. Learning to live with less has a myriad of benefits. One personal Issue I can see arising would be hobbies.

    I know some people really love cars, it's their favorite thing. For me, it's computers. Owning a nice, stylish computer that an do everything I want it to is awesome! How to balance my lust for awesome computers and my desire for eco-frugality will be tough.
